Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cold 2 Mold!

One of the best things about Yellowknife is that you can dry a towel after leaving the shower in about 5 minutes – well maybe not that quickly. It is amazing that you can leave a package of stone wheat thins open and they don't go soft overnight. The millions of static electricity shocks that you get just trying to kiss your sweetie can make that dry air a bit annoying but it has it's moments.

Well after a few months in the rainy season in Bali the ultra dry (15% humidity in winter) air seems like a good friend that's left town for a while. I pulled my belt out to look at it the other day and it was completely covered in a light green mold (yuck!).

I like to exercise and at home my gym clothes may smell a bit but here they are soaking wet after a run in the 27 degree heat and then they get to sit in my backpack for a while and you can guess the conclusion ... Pee euw!! Most of these gym clothes smell like a mushroom farm. My shoes are at risk of being confiscated as biological weapons!

Today I joined the ultimate drop in game at the Green School. It was loads of fun trying to keep up with the grade 9 kids. I tell myself that most of them have had longer to acclimatize to the heat. After about an hour running back up and down the field I had to take my shirt off to cool off. The poor shirt I was wearing looked like it had been dropped into the river after the game! Then I bring it home and --- yikes another biological weapon.

The suitcases we brought from Canada have to come out to the porch every few days to air out. The ID tag I somehow brought from work in Yellowknife is caked in mold. Oh Why did I bring that?!!

Fortunately, my acoustic guitar that I brought down here is in heaven. It is recovering from too many dry months in Yellowknife. So at least there is a bright side to walking around in slightly damp clothing all day!

So for all my northern friends, you may be cold but you aren't covered in mold!

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