Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Would somebody please turn the crickets down?

One thing about living in a well insulated house in a northern winter - you hear very little other than the sounds you make inside your home. On a typical yellowknife winter morning even if you were to step outside at -30 you might here your own footsteps and the occasional grumpy raven but it is really quite quiet.

Bali on the other hand with open walls, no windows, is loud. Right now I am sitting on our deck and can hear the Ayung River flowing below mixed with the sounds of crickets, a cooing pigeon like bird, the roosters crying "cocka doodle do," the occasional gecko grunt, our hot coloured chicks chirping, the neighbors dog barking - and the faint lull of traffic noise from across the river valley.

Down the valley somewhere somebody is practicing their gamelan gongs too.

Just now the thunder is getting loud again. The other day there was so much rain and thunder I thought we would be washed away. One lightening bolt struck about 500 meters from our house in the center of the river valley (you know it's close when you hear it and see it at the same time!).

I will try and upload a video with some of the sound to youtube. I hope it works!


  1. Hi Riah Alex and girls.... loving your posts... it does bring me back to my time in Indonesia.... keep em coming! things here are good, just went for a crisp -30 (calm) and sunny day walk with Dot and the girls. Very nice - cold, but actually very pleasant! I can't say I envy you in the moist (wet more like) hot weather of Indonesia. But I love hearing about it!

  2. You're so right about the humidity. The first couple of nights I woke up wondering how the rain had gotten in. It felt like water had been poured on me. The sheets, our clothes, towels - everything stays just a bit damp. Ava has some shoes that were in the closet the past few weeks. She brought them to me wondering why they were fuzzy. Yup, mold! Nice fuzzy blue mold!
    Alex has a humidity detector he brought for his guitar. It's been steadily at between 77-83%... Compare that to in our house in Yellowknife where it's 15% in the winter!

  3. Tuesday, February 1st

    Hiya everyone:

    I loved your rain posting. It is -20 in Yellowknife; +31 where you are; and here in Toronto we are getting ready for a 25cm snowfall tonight. The groundhog won't be seeing his shadow tomorrow. But the girls won't care about groundhogs - they've got monkeys!

    Love to you all......David Reid
