Chloe and her friend, Elena, surfing (Chloe on the right)
The waves were great for beginners - small enough to be manageable and big enough to be fun. Each girl had a private teacher who acted like a sherpa. They pulled the kids into the surf, helped them chose a wave and give them a push. It was great to see the girls up on the board right away.

The beach had a great set up: show up with towels, sunscreen, and swim suits
and rent lounge chairs and umbrellas. We rented boogy boards and got a kite to fly as well. All in all, a really nice day at the beach...
Ava flying a kite...
Maia testing the water...
Boogie Boarding by Ava
Yesterday i went boogie-boarding at the beach. A big wave came and pulled me right under. But the rest just drove me to shore. A girl in my class named Judy was there. We went boogie-boarding together. A little later my mom asked me to bury a dead fish (which was lying in front of our beach chairs). So I asked Judy to help me bury it. We dug a hole and used shovels to push the fish into the hole then we covered it up with sand. After that we went back in the water. I love boogie-boarding!
Ava checking out the waves
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